Im Kontext der European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) soll ein Sammelband zur Darstellung mentaler Erkrankungen in den Unterhaltungsmedien entstehen. Zu diesem Zweck fordern die potentiellen Herausgeber des Sammelbandes, Malynnda A. Johnson von der Indiana State University und Christopher J. Olson von der University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee,  alle Interessierten dazu auf, ihre Beiträge bis zum 01. September 2018 an die Herausgeber zu senden.

Hier finden Sie die genauen formellen Anforderungen der einzureichenden Kapitel und konkretere, geplante Inhalte des Sammelbandes, sowie die Adressen zur Einreichung:

Proposed Structure: This collection will consist of an introduction, a conclusion, and twelve essays exploring this topic across a range of media.

  • Each essay should contain original scholarship on this topic.
  • Essays should consider any media text that includes characters living with mental illness.
  • Essays are encouraged to consider non-stereotypical and/or counter-stereotypical representations of mental illness.
  • Essays should be 5000-6000 words long

Essay proposals, to be considered for inclusion as a chapter, should contain a title, your name with your institution and title, and 150-250-word abstract explaining the following:

  • What media text you will analyze.
  • What aspect of the media text you will analyze.
  • The importance of this aspect.
  • The potential conclusion drawn from your analysis.

If interested, please email the authors with your proposal by September 1st, 2018 at:

Malynnda A. Johnson:
Christopher J. Olson:

Comments are closed.

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