Für das Symposium, welches als Print- und Onlineversion in der Fachzeitschrift HEALTH COMMUNICATION erscheinen wird, können unter www.editorialmanager.com bis zum 01. März 2017 Artikel sowie Kurzberichte zum Thema „Elektronic Media Use and Sleep“ eingereicht werden:

Good and sufficient sleep is a major determinant of health. Without it, both children, adolescents, and adults are more likely to have accidents, perform worse at their daytime activities, struggle with weight issues, and even experience a deterioration of health.

People today sleep one to two hours per day less than they did fifty years ago. At the same time, the media landscape has undergone rapid and substantial changes, giving people ever more control over, but also growing access to, media content on a variety of platforms. Media use has followed the user, first into the bedroom, and then into bed.

The past decade has seen a rapid increase in the number of publications  devoted to the relationship between electronic media use and sleep.  Media use has been linked to a decline in sleep quality, a shorter sleep  duration, and an increase in daytime fatigue in various demographic  groups. The evidence is growing that using electronic media before or after lights out may be a significant risk factor for the development of  sleep difficulties.

While the association between media use and sleep is well established,  relatively little is known about the processes that explain these  relationships and their outcomes.

This symposium of Health Communication invites researchers and  practitioners from the fields of communication, sleep medicine, public  health, media and health psychology and other related fields to submit  original research articles on electronic media use and sleep behavior.  Papers featuring research on the impact of traditional media (i.e.  television, video games, music) and new media (i.e. smartphones, tablets, social media) on sleep indicators (such as sleep quality, sleep  duration, fatigue) or sleep disorders (such as insomnia) will be considered. Submissions should offer theoretical, methodological or practical relevance for understanding the relations among electronic

media exposure, sleep indicators and sleep-related health behavior.  Data-based submissions are encouraged, but theoretical or methodological  articles will also be considered. Manuscripts must adhere to the aims of Health Communication and as such need to contribute to theory and practice.

Two types of submissions are encouraged, although others will be considered:

(1) Full-length original research articles that conform to the general  guidelines of submissions at Health Communication, reporting on original research on the association between electronic media use and sleep.

(2) Short reports (2,000 words or less, including references).

When submitting your manuscript to Health Communication (www.editorialmanager.com) be  sure to indicate in your cover letter that you are submitting to the  symposium on electronic media use and sleep behavior, and indicate whether you want your submission to be considered as a full-length  article or a brief report. Multiple submissions from one research group will be considered. Manuscripts submitted should not be under review at

another journal. For questions about submission fit, topical areas, or  anything related to the symposium, please contact symposium editor Jan Van den Bulck (jvdbulck@umich.edu).

Deadline for symposium consideration is 1 March 2017. The symposium will appear in a printed issue, with articles made available online ahead of print.

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