Am 26. April 2016 findet die Tagung „Young People’s Mental Health in Europe: Promoting Prevention and Early Intervention Through Multi-Sector Cooperation“ in Brüssel statt. U.a. wird auch die Rolle von Medien als Risikofator und als Unterstützungsmöglichkeit diskutiert.

Auszug aus der Veranstaltungsankündigung

„This timely international symposium provides an invaluable opportunity to evaluate the current state of mental health policies for young people at EU level and to discover best practices in the field of prevention and early intervention. It will address innovative approaches to support young people’s mental health in both family and school settings, while also focusing on the action of health services in the promotion of mental well-being. This symposium will also address the role of new technologies and social media as a double-edged instrument in the hands of children and young adolescents.“

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