The journal Media and Communication is currently accepting proposals for the two following special issues:
1) Adolescents in the Digital Age: Effects on Health and Development
Guest Editor: Professor Dan Romer (Annenberg Public Policy Center,
University of Pennsylvania, USA)
Deadline for Abstracts: 31 August 2015
Deadline for Submissions: 30 November 2015
Publication of the Special Issue: April 2016
All relevant information regarding this special issue is available at:
2. (Not Yet) the End of Television
Guest Editor: Professor Milly Buonanno, University of Roma
Deadline for Abstracts: 30 September 2015
Deadline for Full Papers: 31 December 2015
Publication of the Special Issue: June 2016
All relevant information regarding this special issue is available at:
Media and Communication is a peer-reviewed open access journal and readers will have immediate and free access to all articles published in
the special issues (the journal does not charge any subscription fees). Plus, authors can freely share their articles and post them on any
website or repository without any restrictions.
As publishing is not without its costs the journal needs to defray all production costs through an article processing charge of Euro 800 for each
accepted article (plus VAT if applicable). Authors are advised to check with their institutions if funds are available to cover open access publication costs. Further
information about the journal’s open access charges and institutional memberships can be found in the „About“ webpage (